L’escultura és un forat, III

– 2024. Premi d’Escultura Fundació Vila Casas

Iron, wood, glass, alabaster, marblecast and lacquered cardboard. 124 x 150 x 150 cm

In recent years I have developed a series of works that raise fundamental questions about the specificity of the sculptural object in the contemporary world overpopulated with objects and with a difficult coexistence, both in terms of new materialities and digital reality highly extended and developed. In the set of works entitled Sculpture is a hole (2022-2025), a series of basic sculptural gestures are articulated—modeling, molding, construction and appropriation of pre-existing objects—to show how form is necessary to give to the absence a compactness, an intensity of gaze. From this perspective I understand the sculpture as a disturbingly strange object that travels through space, and I assume that its possible meaning is to redo what places us in the world to show more than what is obvious.

A corner where several perforated shapes trace the drawing of a line in space. The gaze outlines the climbing forms, stops inside a display case, is absorbed by the dark cylinder. You have to walk the sculpture, go around it, discriminate the different points of view. To grasp a hole it is necessary to draw its limits, pierce reality, lighten its weight, escape its inertia.