Writing lifes

Escriure vides from Toni Giró on Vimeo.

The simple gesture of a finger tracing the inscriptions engraved in stone, active the poetic remembrance of names, works, lives. The recognition that the names are the work and the work are inscribed in the names.

Eutrophic Economy

EUTROPHY: growth in geometric progression during thirty years of green algae on the surface of a pond produces suffocation underwater life in a single year, from the middle of the occupation of the surface.

The desire for self growth of Western civilization, linked to the idea of ​​historical progress, infinite development (which has no end or purpose, as Cornelius Castoriadis criticized) is inherent to capitalism has colonized the globalized world, beyond the ecological footprint sustainable and produces a outgrowth stifles economic opportunity biodiversity by altering the course of social becoming.




Walking alone through the precarious geopolitical space between

Europa and Africa by Gabriele Garavaglia . .

New Babylon

“New Babylon no s’atura enlloc (perquè la terra és rodona); no coneix fronteres (perquè ja no hi ha economies nacionals), ni col·lectivitats (perquè la humanitat és fluctuant). Qualsevol lloc és accesible a cadascun i a tothom. Tot el planeta esdevé la casa dels habitants del planeta. . Hom canvia de lloc quan ho desitja. La vida és un viatge sense fi a través d’un món que es transforma amb tanta rapidesa que cada vegada sembla diferent.” Constant

Combinació de sectors, 1971

Grup de sectors, 1959